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Faculty of Secure Information Technologies School of Computer Technologies and Control
Information security and cyber security

Information security and cyber security

Design and development of electronic tools

Design and development of electronic tools

Laboratory of computer forensics and investigation of crimes in the field of information technology

Laboratory of computer forensics and investigation of crimes in the field of information technology

Apply to bachelors/masters degree programs

Apply to bachelors/masters degree programs

    Research Areas Areas

    Computer forensics

    The relevance of the development of high-tech incident research is very high, especially in Russia, given that public authorities do not have a single modern conceptual and methodological framework, a large number of offenses and crimes in the field of computer technology or its use are not disclosed, private organizations are not able to identify offenses, resulting in monetary losses. The development of this area can contribute to the modernization of the Russian economy, since it will not only reduce the costs of conducting investigations, but also the losses of the private sector. These developments will make a significant contribution to the security of citizens, organizations and the state as a whole. Directions Examination of computer equipment and determination of its functional purpose; Collecting and recording digital evidence; Develop principles and assist customers in responding to information security incidents. Projects Study of problems and development of methods for investigating and countering crimes in the field of computer technology. If you have any questions about the work of the laboratory, you can write to the following email address:

    Engineering and technical information security

    Projects Development of a complex of automation of design and prototyping of electronic means.  

    Cyber-physical systems security

    Directions Protection of information technology processes Multi-agent systems Methods, models, techniques, algorithms, protocols, and applications for ensuring information security of cyber-physical systems. Development and research of cryptographic algorithms and methods for ensuring information security in cyber-physical systems Projects Development of a methodology for designing distributed data processing, storage, and transmission structures that simultaneously ensure information security and reliability of cyberphysical systems. Development of multi-factor authentication systems in cyber-physical systems that use factors for various purposes and functionality. Development of protocols for secure access to information, its secure processing, transmission and storage in cloud,"fog", etc. data storage and processing systems. Development of protocols for reliable event processing and storage in a distributed structure with many different types of devices, including those with limited resources and greater mobility.

    Last publications Publications

    2024 year
    • Гришенцев А.Ю., Горошков В.А., Арустамов С.А., Коробейников А.Г.

      Электроника и схемотехника. Лабораторный практикум - 2024

    • Ишкуватов С.М., Бегаев А.Н., Комаров И.И., Левко И.В.

      Метод обнаружения фактов обхода блокировок ресурсов сети Интернет // Вопросы кибербезопасности - 2024. - № 3(61). - С. 76-84

    • Кудряшов И.Д.

      Разработка метода диспетчеризации центра массового обслуживания беспилотных летательных аппаратов//Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание - 2024

    • Ткалич В.Л., Коробейников А.Г., Пирожникова О.И., Марусина М.Я.

      Перспективы развития интегрированных технологий в микросистемной технике - 2024

    • Гришенцев А.Ю.

      Пропускная способность и информационная емкость ресурса: пространство, частота, время // Журнал радиоэлектроники - 2024. - № 3. - С. 1-20

    • Ишкуватов С.М., Бегаев А.Н., Комаров И.И.

      Метод автоматической классификации цифровых отпечатков TLS-протокола // Вопросы кибербезопасности - 2024. - № 1(59). - С. 67-74

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    2015 Department of Information Technology