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Faculty of Secure Information Technologies School of Computer Technologies and Control

CTF commands

CTF - sports hacking competition or team game, the main goal of which is to capture the "flag" of the opponent.

Participants are divided into teams and compete in various tasks. Their goals depend on the format of the competition. Traditional ones are based on the Attack-Defense principle: teams receive identical servers with a set of vulnerable services, to which the jury periodically sends private information-flags. The task of each team is to find vulnerabilities, fix them on their server and use them to get the flags of the opponents. Correct operation of your server and stolen information from your competitors ' servers gives participants the points they need to win.

The team representing the faculty of Secure Information Technologies and ITMO University at CTF computer security competitions gathered in 2008 and managed to win many prestigious nominations in the world of CTF competitions, currently being one of the leading in Russia and in the world. By participating in CTF, players acquire relevant skills in the field of practical information security. Participation and victory in CTF is an opportunity not only to improve your skills, but also to get recognition in the community of cybersecurity specialists, and the best offers from employers. Experienced players in the SPbCTF community regularly conduct training sessions to pass on their knowledge to newcomers and prepare them for competition.

Every year the number of teams is growing at the faculty, as well as the number of victories at national and international competitions.
Teams win and win prizes in competitions such as: RuCTF, Nuit du Hack CTF, VolgaCTF, CSCAMP CTF, BaltCTF, DEF CON CTF, PHDays CTF, SpisokCTF, PlaidCTF, HITB CTF, CodeGate, NeoQuest, Ghost in the Shellcode, Nullcon HackIM,, PoliCTF,, School CTF, CTF,, IFSF Quals, Mozilla CTF, Nord CTF, Yauza CTF, RealCTF, FaustCTF, QCTF and etc.
Free weekly seminars for beginners in computer security are held at the faculty of Secure Information Technologies. The training program is aimed at training and participating in sports hacking competitions-CTF (from Capture The Flag, "Capture the flag"). Experienced CTF players with 10 years of experience (from LC?BC, SiBears, PeterPen, Yozik) talk about CTF competitions, share their experience, show hacking techniques for solving problems and help to pump in practical security. The skills acquired at the seminars and at CTF allow participants to solve real modern information security problems, apply the same approaches that are used by professionals in the field of computer security.? safety. In addition, during the competition, participants acquire the skill of rapid analysis of the situation and no less rapid decision-making.
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