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Faculty of Secure Information Technologies School of Computer Technologies and Control

Intelligent secure multi-agent interaction systems

Invites potential partners to cooperate, as well as masters and postgraduates to work together.

We can offer our business partners a comprehensive solution to problems related to the area of our scientific interests.

For graduate students, masters and young scientists in our creative team there is always an interesting work that contributes to their scientific and practical growth as research engineers.

During the work, the author's team received 15 certificates of registration of intellectual property objects. More than 200 scientific, educational and methodical works have been published.

Leading specialist

  • doctor of technical sciences, professor Korobeinikov Anatoly Grigorievich


  • doctor of technical sciences, professor Grishentcev Aleksei Yurevich


During the work of the scientific group, dozens of research projects and a number of major projects have been successfully implemented.


  1. Development of secure broadband methods and systems
  2. Development of intelligent methods and information security tools in multi-agent systems
  3. Development of a set of methods, algorithms, and tools for cryptography and steganography
  4. Development of methods and tools for automated processing of vertical sounding of the ionosphere
  5. Development of automation and control methods in the work of research organizations
  6. Development of a set of methods and tools for automating the design of distributed geographic information systems
  7. Development of methods and tools for analysis of electrical conducting properties and properties of information exchange of biological objects

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2015 Department of Information Technology